Sectra’s next-generation PACS goes live

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Södertälje Hospital is the first Swedish hospital to go live with Sectra’s new diagnostic workstation for radiologists, IDS7/dx. The workstation is part of Sectra’s next-generation PACS (system for handling radiology images electronically) and is optimized for distributed reading of radiology images and handling extremely large datasets.

Recent trends in radiology include rapidly increasing data volumes produced by new radiology equipment. New modalities such as multi-slice CT scanners will soon provide up to terabyte datasets for single radiology examinations. Sectra PACS is optimized to handle these large datasets and to enable distributed reading, that is, when examinations are performed at one hospital and reviewed at another location. This makes it possible, for example, for a radiologist to review images from a home office, a routine that is becoming increasingly common.


“At Sectra, we are dedicated to understanding the challenges our customers face and preparing them for the developments to come,” says Claes Lundström, Product and Research Manager of Sectra’s medical operations. “In fact, we’re a little obsessed with meeting our customer’s future needs and, with Sectra PACS IDS7, we can do just that.”


“With Sectra’s new workstation, our radiologists can review images at a location that best suits his or her individual situation, even from home. This enables us to use our resources in the most efficient manner,” says Peter Svozil, Head of the Radiology Department at Södertälje Hospital. “Our cooperation with Sectra provides us the absolute leading edge of viable PACS technology based on real clinical needs that will make our everyday work easier.”


About Sectra next-generation PACS

The latest addition to the Sectra PACS workstation family, IDS7/dx, was launched in November 2007 at the Radiology Society of North America’s annual meeting, the world’s largest radiology technology trade fair. Sectra PACS IDS7 is based on patent-pending technology for retrieving and displaying image data of extreme size. It eliminates problems encountered in working with large datasets, providing radiologists with the perfect reading tool in a data-intense environment.

Dr. Torbjörn Kronander, President, Sectra Imtec AB, +46 705 23 52 27

Dr. Jan-Olof Brüer, CEO and President, Sectra AB, +46 13 23 52 09

About Sectra’s medical operations

Sectra develops and sells IT-systems and products for radiology, mammography and orthopedic departments. More than 950 hospitals worldwide use the system daily, together performing over 40 million radiology examinations annually. This makes Sectra one of the world leading companies within systems for handling digital radiology images (PACS). In Scandinavia, Sectra is the market leader with more than 50% of all film-free installations. Outside Scandinavia, Sectra’s system is installed at customers in North America and most major countries in Europe and the Far East.


About the Sectra Group

Sectra successfully develops and sells cutting-edge products in the expansive niche segments of medical systems and secure communication systems. The company was founded in 1978 and has its roots in the Linköping Institute of Technology in Sweden. Today, Sectra has offices in eleven countries and operates through partners worldwide. Sales in the 2006/2007 fiscal year totaled SEK 673 million. The Sectra share is quoted on the Nordic Exchange in Stockholm. For more information about Sectra visit


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