Sectra sells digital radiology system to Swedish hospital

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Kungälv Hospital in Sweden will be digitizing its radiology operations and has chosen the IT and medical technology company Sectra as its provider. The contract encompasses Sectra’s total solution for handling and archiving of radiology images (PACS) and administration of patient information (RIS).

With Kungälv’s order, which is an extension of Sectra’s existing framwork agreement with the region of Västra Götaland, all of the region’s radiology departments will be using digital systems. Digitization provides major benefits in the exchange of information between hospitals, which can thereby expand cooperation and service with referring units. At Kungälv Hospital, Sectra RIS is already in use and the new system will be installed during 2005. “Sectra has extensive experience in developing and installing PACS and we feel secure with their expertise,” says the radiology department’s manager Göran Hellström. “Exercising the option in the Västra Götaland region’s contract has rationalized the procurement process significantly and our new system will benefit long-term regional cooperation,” he adds. Implementation of a total solution for digital handling of radiology images with tight integration between RIS and PACS, helps optimize the workflow both within, to and from the radiology department. This contributes to more efficient and improved patient care. “Our goal is, and always has been, to have close and long-term cooperation with our customers. We see Kungälv’s order as an acknowledgement that we can offer products that make it easier for our customers to continue to develop and improve their radiology operations,” says Gösta Tidell, sales manager at Sectra Skandinavien AB.


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