SenzaGen AB expands product portfolio to include respiratory sensitization
SenzaGen AB, a diagnostic spin-off company from Lund University, reports the launch of a new product for respiratory sensitization testing.
SenzaGen AB is a diagnostic company working to replace animal testing for sensitization predictions.
-“Sensitization through the lung is a growing issue and methods to predict if a chemical has a sensitization effect are limited”, says Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO in SenzaGen. Based on extensive research about the responses of the immune system in allergic reactions, SenzaGen has now launched a test that predicts the respiratory sensitization ability of chemicals based on the GARD methodology.
An international scientific article about the underlying research has been published in PLOS ONE, under the title “Prediction of Chemical Respiratory Sensitizers Using GARD, a Novel In vitro Assay Based on a Genomic Biomarker Signature”.
SenzaGen´s first product, a skin sensitization test of chemicals, is already on the market.
About SenzaGen
SenzaGen AB is an early-phase diagnostics company based on strong research and know-how of the immune system and its reaction to hazardous agents, such as irritants and allergens. The company’s products are genetic tests for sensitizing agents, which have been designed based on how indicator cells react when exposed to a variety of chemicals.
SenzaGen AB was created to meet the international demand to replace existing animal testing for regulatory purposes and to provide novel tools for early decision-making in product development. SenzaGen AB services will offer the most accurate, animal-free in vitro testing option for manufacturers of cosmetics, chemicals, food, and pharmaceuticals.
SenzaGen AB is a spin-off company founded by researchers at Lund University to bring academic results to good use for society. The company is situated in facilities at Medicon Village, Lund, Sweden.
For more information please contact:
Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO, SenzaGen AB
+46 768 284822