SimCorp's Annual Report 2011

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Today SimCorp's Board of Directors reviewed and approved the Group's annual report for 2011. Highlights of the report are: Revenue was up 5% to EUR 195m (DKK 1.45bn) and the company posted an EBIT of EUR 46.3m (DKK 345m). The EBIT margin was 23.8%. SimCorp enters 2012 with EUR 134m revenue secured up EUR 9m compared with entering 2011. At the company's Annual General Meeting SimCorp's Board of Directors will suggest that dividend of EUR 17.6m be paid to the company's shareholders, corresponding to DKK 30.00 per share of DKK 10. In addition, given there are no specific requirements for liquidity SimCorp expects to continue to buy back shares in 2012, with the intention to purchase for EUR 15m during the next six months.

The full annual report has been submitted to NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S as an electronic document. The annual report is also available for download from SimCorp’s website, as are selected statements from Q4 2011.

Investor meeting

SimCorp’s Executive Management Board will present the annual report at an investor meeting to be held on Thursday 1 March 2012 at 9:00 a.m. at the company’s headquarters, Weidekampsgade 16, 2300 Copenhagen S. The meeting will be open to the public, and an electronic meeting facility has been set up through the following webcast, where it will be possible to ask questions online via e-mail:

The presentation will be available afterwards via SimCorp’s website

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Enquiries regarding this announcement should be addressed to:
Peter L. Ravn, Chief Executive Officer, SimCorp A/S (+45 3544 8800, +45 4076 1841) or
Thomas Johansen, Chief Financial Officer, SimCorp A/S (+45 3544 8800, +45 2811 3828).

SimCorp A/S


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