CST Global receives £318,039 for its part in the SUPER8 project to develop 200Gbps, 8-channel, CWDM transceivers
CST Global, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sivers IMA Holdings AB and the UK’s leading, independent, III-V opto-electronic, semiconductor foundry is a consortium member of the Innovate UK, government-funded, SUPER8 research project. The SUPER8 project aims to develop scalable, 200Gbps, super-thermal, 8-channel CWDM (Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing) architecture. This will be applied to an ultra, high-speed, industry-standard, transceiver platform for use in the optical, data communications of hyper-scale, cloud data centres.
The SUPER8 project fund totals £1.1m, of which CST Global receives £318,039. The project consortium partners include CST Global, Scotland; Compound Semiconductor Centre CSC, a Cardiff University and IQE plc joint venture, based in Cardiff; and transceiver, photonic, integrated circuit manufacturer, Kaiam of Newark, CA, USA.
“Cloud services, video-on-demand and the Internet of Things are increasing data bandwidth demand in global communications networks,” explains Andrew McKee, Technical Director at CST Global. “This is driving the need for higher capacity networks with greater transmission rates and a lower cost base.
“CWDM architecture is the solution. It allows the bandwidths of existing optical networks to be increased by improving optical filtering to increase the quantity of wavelengths transmitted in a single fibre. Low cost, uncooled, Ridge waveguide, DFB lasers are used for the optical transmission, which the consortium of CST Global, CSC and Kaiam will model, build, test and optimise. The lasers are supplied as known-good-die-on-tape (KGDOT) to Kaiam for packaging, characterisation and qualification.
“The lasers in the CWDM architecture offer reduced power consumption and increased reliability over existing, DWDM architecture solutions.”
Contact CST Global on 01698 722072 or visit www.CSTGlobal.uk for more information.
CST Global is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sivers IMA Holding publicly traded under SIVE. The wholly owned subsidiaries Sivers IMA and CST Global develop, manufacture and sell cutting-edge chips, components, modules and subsystems based on proprietary advanced semiconductor technology in microwave, millimeter wave and optical semiconductors. Headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden. Learn more at http://siversima.com.
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Tel: +44 (0) 1698 722072
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email: enquiries@cstglobal.uk