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  • Continued strong recovery of market positions for Skandia in Sweden, for the second quarter in a row

Continued strong recovery of market positions for Skandia in Sweden, for the second quarter in a row

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Today, 16 November, the Swedish Insurance Federation published the industry’s quarterly statistics for the third quarter of 2005. Since these statistics also include information on Skandia’s market shares, Skandia is commenting on them here. Market shares Moving twelve-month basis Skandia’s market position in the life assurance market improved strongly during the third quarter, for the second quarter in a row. Skandia is strengthening its position as the largest player in the Swedish life assurance market with respect to newly written business. Skandia’s market share in the life assurance market on a moving twelve-month basis was 20.8% at the end of the third quarter, compared with 19.6% a quarter earlier. Skandia is also retaining its leading position in the life assurance market with respect to premium income. During the third quarter Skandia’s market share was 20.7%, compared with 20.3% a quarter earlier. For Skandia Unit Linked Assurance, the market share was 18.6% during the third quarter of 2005, compared with 18.1% a quarter earlier. The corresponding market share for Skandia Liv in traditional life assurance was 23.6%, compared with 21.4% a quarter earlier. Skandia’s strengthened position is attributable to greater marketing activity and a higher presence in the market. In unit linked assurance, business is developing favourably in the key corporate segment, but also in the private segment. Skandia Liv strengthened its market position substantially during the third quarter. Several independent analyses of the Swedish life assurance market have been presented during the period. In these, Skandia Liv has been shown to be one of the strongest life companies in the market, thanks in large part to its strong solvency. Third quarter alone Skandia’s share of the life assurance market on a quarter-by-quarter basis was 28.5% for the third quarter of 2005, compared with 23.3% for the third quarter of 2004. In unit linked assurance, Skandia’s market share for the third quarter alone was 21.0%, compared with 18.9% for the same period a year ago. The correspon¬ding figures for Skandia Liv were 38.9% and 28.8%, respectively. Premiums New business written Rank M12 Moving Quarter-on- Moving New Premiums 12 months quarter 12 months business written 2005 2005 2005 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 Q3 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q3 Q2 Q3 Q3 Unit linked assurance 18.6% 18.1% 21.0% 18.9% 19.0% 19.4% #2 #2 Traditional life assurance 23.6% 21.4% 38.9% 28.8% 22.1% 21.1% #1 #1 Total life assurance 20.8% 19.6% 28.5% 23.3% 20.7% 20.3% #1 #1 For further information, please contact: Gert Engman, Head of Nordic division, tel. +46-8-788 17 81 Bengt-Åke Fagerman, CEO, Skandia Liv, tel. +46-8-788 21 50 Harry Vos, Head of Investor Relations, tel. +46-8-788 36 43


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