Skandia's executive management

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Skandia's executive management As previously announced, Senior Executive Vice President Ulf Spång has given notice that he will be leaving Skandia. During his term of notice, Ulf Spång will gradually be winding up his participation on Skandia's executive management, which will thereafter include the following persons: Leif Victorin, President and CEO Jan Erik Back, Chief Financial Officer Jan-Mikael Bexhed, Executive Vice President and General Counsel Odd Eiken, Executive Vice President, Communication & Strategy Cecilia Kragsterman, Head of Business Development Jan Wangärd, Head of Latin America division Alan Wilson, Executive Vice President and head of UK & Asia Pacific division Michael Wolf, Head of Europe division For further information, please contact: Gunilla Svensson, press secretary, tel.+46-8-788 42 97 ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download:
