Skandia's Extraordinary General Meeting

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Skandia's Extraordinary General Meeting At Skandia's Extraordinary General Meeting on 28 January 2004, in accordance with the proposal of the Nominating Committee the following persons were elected as new directors to Skandia's board (by-election): Karl-Olof Hammarkvist, for the period through the 2004 Annual General Meeting, and Lennart Jeansson, Birgitta Johansson-Hedberg and Christoffer Taxell, for the period through the 2005 Annual General Meeting. Karl-Olof Hammarkvist (born 1945), Ph.D. Econ. Associate Professor of business economics with special focus on marketing in financial markets, adjunct professor at the Stockholm School of Economics, Vice Chairman of the Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund, former Executive Vice President of Nordea, former Executive Vice President of Skandia International. Lennart Jeansson (born 1941), B.Sc. Econ., Executive Vice President and Deputy CEO of Volvo, Chairman of Stena and director of Stena Metall. Birgitta Johansson-Hedberg (born 1947), Reg. Psychologist, B.A., departing President and CEO of Föreningssparbanken, Chairman of Lindex and Umeå University, director of Sveaskog and member of the Swedish Securities Council. Christoffer Taxell (born 1948), LL.B. and D. Pol.Sc. h.c., Minister. Chancellor of Åbo Akademi, former President and CEO of Partek, former Finnish Minister of Justice, Chairman of Finnair and director of Sampo and Boliden, among other companies. In addition it was confirmed that Björn Björnsson and Eero Heliövaara will remain on Skandia's board under their previous mandates until the end of the 2004 Annual General Meeting. Following the Extraordinary General Meeting, the number of directors elected by the General Meeting is six, and Skandia's board has the following composition: Björn Björnsson, Karl-Olof Hammarkvist, Eero Heliövaara, Lennart Jeansson, Birgitta Johansson-Hedberg, Maria Lilja (policyholder representative appointed by the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce) and Christoffer Taxell, plus three employee representatives. The Swedish Consumer Agency, which shall also appoint a policyholder representative, has not appointed a director. The Board has constituted itself in accordance with the Nominating Committee's proposal, with Björn Björnsson as chairman. At the Extraordinary General Meeting, Bertel Enlund, Authorized Public Accountant, Ernst & Young, was elected (by-election), as auditor for the period through the 2004 Annual General Meeting. For further information, please contact: Gunilla Svensson, Press Manager, tel. +46-8-788 42 97 ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download:
