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  • Urban Bäckström to leave post as CEO of Skandia Liv for position as Director General of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise

Urban Bäckström to leave post as CEO of Skandia Liv for position as Director General of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise

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Skandia Liv’s Chairman, Bo Eklöf, comments: “I warmly congratulate Urban Bäckström on this new, exciting assignment that will entail a great deal of responsibility. On behalf of Skandia Liv, naturally I regret that he is leaving. However, it is with much satisfaction to note that, under Urban Bäckström’s leadership, Skandia Liv has regained both confidence and stability and is now well equipped to take on future challenges in the life assurance market. Similarly, considerable quality improvements have been made in several areas, not least in asset management. “All in all, this will enable Urban Bäckström’s successor to dedicate all of his or her energy on developing Skandia Liv’s business.” The Board will immediately begin the process to recruit a new CEO. For further information, please contact: Gunilla Svensson, Press Manager, tel 08-788 42 97


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