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Has big plans for expansion in Europe with unique technology


Today, Tuesday, May 18, 2021, is the first day of trading for the American electricity grid technology company Smart Wires Technology Ltd’s shares on Nasdaq First North Growth Market in Stockholm. With a unique digital technology and a massive demand for modern, sustainable solutions on today and tomorrow’s electricity grid, the company expects strong growth.

“We are thrilled to be listed in Sweden on First North. As a nation, Sweden is a world leader in climate change mitigation issues and has very ambitious emissions targets. First North investors have fully embraced this mentality and have a strong commitment to and knowledge of sustainability issues,” says Peter Wells, CEO of Smart Wires.

Smart Wires is a grid technology company from the USA that offers advanced hardware and software innovations for high voltage electricity networks. With the company’s flexible and modular products, the capacity of electricity networks can be improved and optimized to enable a rapid and affordable energy transition towards a fossil-free society.

Smart Wires looked at several European markets to raise capital and ultimately chose the Nasdaq First North Growth market.

“There are a variety of reasons why we chose Nasdaq First North – the market’s focus on ESG, the investor profile and our company’s size. Our strong and growing customer base in Europe furthered this decision. And listing on First North gives is a variety of options regarding our future engagement in public markets.

Smart Wires has major expansion plans in the rapidly growing electricity grid market in Europe, where more and more people are opting out of fossil energy. These consumer, business and national choices drive the need for electricity network companies to leverage technologies to modernize, optimize and monetize grid capacity.

“There is an obvious need for modern solutions to improve the electricity grid of today and tomorrow. At Smart Wires, we are uniquely positioned to lead in this space,” says Peter Wells.

Several Swedish institutional investors have invested in Smart Wires such as Fjärde AP-fonden and Handelsbanken Fonder. Non-Swedish investors include Goldman Sachs Asset Management, UBS and Erste Asset Management.

For further information please contact:

Evan Geisert, CFO +1 (919) 307 9263

Ludvig Gauffin, +46 76 109 05 57

Smart Wires’ Certified Adviser is Erik Penser Bank AB, represented by Torbjörn Nordlöf. For more information about Erik Penser Bank AB, see contact details below.

Erik Penser Bank AB, Apelbergsgatan 27, Box 7405, 103 91 Stockholm

E-post, , Tel 08-463 83 00,


Smart Wires conducts grid technology business that helps utilize, modernize, optimize and monetize grid capacity to meet the demands and opportunities of the energy transition. The Company operates in the global transmission grid technology market and is a leader in modular power flow control technology. Power flow control technology controls and directs power flow on high voltage electric transmission systems. Smart Wires serves transmission owners, primarily electric utilities. Transmission owners use power flow controllers to eliminate line overloads by redirecting power to other lines, to reduce transmission congestion, and to enable renewable energy connection and dispatch. Currently, Smart Wires’ main projects are located in Europe, the United States and Australia with upcoming projects in South America and Canada. The Company has a large customer base comprised of utilities globally. For more information, please visit


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