2016-01-22 25

Södra och Statkraft har fattat beslut om att satsa på en ny demoanläggning för fossilfria biodrivmedel. Satsningen görs genom det gemensamma bolaget Silva Green Fuel AS. / Södra and Statkraft have made a decision to invest in a new demo facility for fossil-free fuel. The investment will be made through the joint company Silva Green Fuel AS.

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About Us

Södra was founded in 1938 on the idea that we are stronger together. We are now the largest forest-owner association in Sweden, with more than 50,000 family forest owners as members. Together, the members of Södra own a world-leading industrial operation that processes forest raw material into renewable products such as pulp, timber, building systems, liquid bioproducts and energy. Rooted in the forest, we grow the future.
