High scores for Södra’s nature conservation

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The positive results for Södra’s consideration follow-ups have continued, according to the company’s Green Balance Sheet report. Both regeneration harvests and thinning operations have maintained continued high levels despite a year of extraordinary weather conditions. At the same time, the concentration of considerations has reached new heights with a result of 98 percent for approved sites, the highest score to date.

2018 was a year characterised by extraordinary weather conditions that made forestry operations difficult due to long periods of heavy precipitation and extreme drought. Nonetheless, Södra’s nature conservation considerations received a high score with 94 percent of the regeneration harvests* and 93 percent of the thinning operations receiving approval.

“It is especially gratifying to see such a high percentage of approved objects considering the conditions we were working under. We have been working systematically with nature conservation activities for more than 20 years. In times like these, it is uplifting to see how that experience has generated results for both production and nature conservation,” said Klara Joelsson, ecologist, Södra.

One aspect monitored in the Green Balance Sheet is the concentration of considerations. Since 2010, the rate of approved sites in this regard has risen steadily – from 80 percent to 98 percent in 2018, the best result to date.

“Södra works actively, where possible, to concentrate nature conservation considerations to specific sites, and this has generated results. By concentrating nature conservation considerations, we can maximise both nature conservation benefits and the production potential. Many species benefit more when trees are left in groups rather than spreading them out across a harvesting area,” said Klara Joelsson.

*A harvesting method that removes nearly all mature trees to make room for a new generation of trees from natural regeneration or planting.

Södra prepares a Green Balance Sheet every year. Internal auditors verify how more than 150 regeneration harvests and the same number of thinning operations have complied with the requirements of PEFC™ and FSC® forest certification schemes regarding general considerations in final harvesting and thinning operations. How closely the company has followed its own policies and procedures for environmental considerations is also reviewed. The aim of the Green Balance Sheet is to create a basis for the continuous improvement of consideration activities. External audits are also performed every year by the international certification body, DNV GL.

For more information, please contact:
Klara Joelsson, Ecologist, Södra.
Tel: +46 (0)470-893 35
E-mail: klara.joelsson@sodra.com

Södra’s Pressroom
Tel: +46 (0)470 890 90
E-mail: press@sodra.com

Founded in 1938, Södra is Sweden’s largest forest-owner association, with nearly 52,000 forest owners as its members. We conduct modern and responsible forestry, and operate state-of-the-art mills in which we process our raw material. In 2018, sales amounted to SEK 24 billion and employees totalled 3,100. Through value-generating relationships and a long-term approach, Södra shows the way for the next generation of forestry.






Södra works actively, where possible, to concentrate nature conservation considerations to specific sites, and this has generated results. By concentrating nature conservation considerations, we can maximise both nature conservation benefits and the production potential. Many species benefit more when trees are left in groups rather than spreading them out across a harvesting area.
Klara Joelsson, ecologist, Södra.