Moose damage accounts for nearly SEK 1 billion in southern Sweden

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Moose browsing damage to pine sites incurs major costs in the forest industry every year. On estates owned by Södra’s members, the annual loss is an estimated SEK 450 million. The total cost in Götaland is SEK 980 million per year.

"This is the first time we’ve been able to make such a detailed calculation, and the results are clear. Landowners carry an unacceptably high cost for the large moose population," said Göran Örlander, forestry strategist at Södra.

The estimated wood loss and impact on the forest economy is based on the 2015/16 moose-browsing inventory (Swe: ÄBIN). The calculation model has been developed by the Forestry Research Institute of Sweden and is applied to browsing damage to young pine forests. In southern Sweden, the percentage of severely damaged stems ranges from 39-77 percent depending on the county, with an average of 61 percent.

"The maximum acceptable rate of damage is 30 percent. If we could come down to that level, the annual cost for Södra’s members would be SEK 115 million, rather than SEK 450 million. The financial loss is thus four times higher than reasonable," said Göran Örlander.

County Pine,% Damage,% Total cost, SEK million
Östergötland 40 73 145
Jönköping 46 39 90
Kronoberg 42 65 145
Kalmar 45 76 195
Blekinge 28 77 35
Skåne 35 60 65
Halland 31 52 40
Västra Götaland 47 56 265
Average 42 61 980


For questions, please contact:
Göran Örlander, Forestry strategist,
Tel: +46 (0)470-893 62

Södra’s Pressroom:
Tel: +46 (0)470-890 90

Södra was founded in 1938 and is the largest forest-owner association in Sweden, with a membership of more than 50,000 forest owners. We engage in modern and responsible forestry, and operate state-of-the-art mills in which we process our raw material. Through value-generating relationships and a long-term approach, Södra is leading the way for the next generation of forestry. 



