The Nomination Committee’s proposal to Södra’s 2019 AGM
Södra’s Nomination Committee proposes Mats Sandgren as new member of Södra’s Board.
The Committee also proposes that Karin Andersson, Hans Berggren, Pål Börjesson, Paul Christensson, Lena Ek, Ylva op den Velde Hammargren, Ulf Johansson and Anders Roman be re-elected. The re-election of Lena Ek as Chairman of the Board is also proposed.
The Nomination Committee’s proposal entails that the number of Board members elected by the Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be nine.
“The proposed candidates possess skills, experience and knowledge from a wide range of areas, including forest management, industry, innovation and research. Our proposal will build a strong and highly competent Board with a broad-based composition,” said Tomas Andersson, Chairman of the Nomination Committee.
Mats Sandgren, born in 1955, has long experience in the forest industry. He was appointed President of SCA Skog in 2008 and became Senior Advisor to the Group one year ago. Prior to that he was Head of Forest Management at Södra for six years, during the same period as the Gudrun and Per cyclones and subsequent spruce beetle outbreaks. Mats Sandgren holds a Master of Science in Forestry and will be leaving SCA and his professional life in May 2019. He is currently a Board member of the Forestry Research Institute of Sweden, Biometria and the Swedish Federation of Green Employers – the latter assignment also means that he is a member of the Board of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. He will step down from his Board assignment with the Forestry Research Institute of Sweden during the spring.
The Nomination Committee also proposes that the AGM elect four ordinary auditors and two personal alternates.
The Committee proposes the re-election of Authorised Public Accountant Martin Johansson (PWC, Stockholm) and Authorised Public Accountant Madeleine Edberg (PWC, Stockholm), and the alternates Authorised Public Accountant Björn Bergljung (PWC, Stockholm) and Authorised Public Accountant Camilla Samuelsson (PWC, Stockholm).
The re-election of Dick Stagmo (Hestra) and new election of Carina Arvidsson Löw (Värnamo) as member representative auditors is also proposed.
Carina Arvidsson Löw, born in 1959, has extensive experience and thorough knowledge of accounting, finance and internal control. She currently serves as the CFO of Pinewood AB in Värnamo. She was employed as an Authorised Public Accountant at PWC between 2000 and 2005. Carina Arvidsson Löw has a business administration and economics degree, and has also studied psychology and English. She has previous Board experience, has served as an elected representative of the Finnveden forestry district and been politically active at municipal level in Värnamo.
For questions, please contact:
Tomas Andersson, Chairman of Södra’s Nomination Committee,
Tel: +46 (0)70-653 40 70
Södra’s Pressroom,
Tel: +46 (0)470 890 90
Founded in 1938, Södra is Sweden’s largest forest-owner association, with nearly 52,000 forest owners as its members. We conduct modern and responsible forestry, and operate state-of-the-art mills in which we process our raw material. In 2018, sales amounted to SEK 24 billion and employees totalled 3,100. Through value-generating relationships and a long-term approach, Södra shows the way for the next generation of forestry.