BPA in Tooth Fillings Linked to Behavior Problems

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A new study suggests that children whose dental fillings contain BPA (bisphenol-A) face a slightly increased chance of developing emotional and behavior problems later on.

Researchers from the New England Research Institutes in Massachusetts examined data on 534 kids with cavities. The children were 6-10 years old and randomly chosen to get amalgam fillings or one of two different types of composite fillings, including one made with BPA, according to Reuters. After five years, kids and parents were asked questions about depression, anxiety, attitude at school, and overall behavior.

The results of the study showed that kids who had multiple fillings made using BPA and who had the fillings for a long time consistently scored two to six points worse on 100-point behavior measures than children who did not have fillings or did not have them for long, according to Reuters.

Researchers did note that they did not measure BPA in the fillings and they do not know the potential health effects of other chemicals that are used to make them.

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