Chinese Pet Jerky Death Toll Released by FDA

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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued its first summary of deaths linked to Chinese pet jerky treats.

The FDA says the chicken jerky pet treats made in China have led to the deaths of 360 dogs and a cat as well as reports of over 2,200 illnesses in the U.S., according to NBC News. The summary represents the first synopsis of pet deaths associated with the jerky treats during the past 18 months.

Consumption of the treats by pets has resulted in the animals suffering various problems such as diarrhea, vomiting, kidney failure, and even death in some cases.

The FDA also said it would initiate examination of the treats to check if irradiation—the process of exposing food to radiation to destroy microorganisms—caused the reported problems in pets, reports NBC News.  However, it is not clear how irradiation could be a cause of the illnesses.

Almost 86 million pounds of pet food is imported to the US from China each year, according to NBC News. The FDA suggests pet owners avoid feeding jerky treats to keep their animals safe.

If your pet has been harmed by an unsafe food product, contact Sokolove Law for a free legal consultation and to find out if a product liability lawyer may be able to help you.
