Congress Debates New Safety Rules for Cosmetics

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As members of Congress debate a possible national standard for cosmetic ingredients, a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) member has told lawmakers that a manufacturer is currently not required to notify the agency before using toxic ingredients in its products.

The FDA currently regulates the cosmetics industry, but does not require cosmetic makers to submit reports of adverse events or acquire pre-market approval for its ingredients. Furthermore, the agency does not have the authority to force manufacturers to recall certain products.

Both the cosmetic industry and lawmakers want new standards because of safety concerns and several new state laws that representatives from the industry say may create a regulatory nightmare for cosmetic companies, according to Law360 (subscription required).

A recent cosmetics safety scare that drew enormous attention involved the popular Brazilian Blowout hair straightener that contained the dangerous substance, formaldehyde.

If you or a loved one has been harmed by an unsafe product, contact Sokolove Law for a free legal consultation and to find out if a product liability lawyer may be able to help you.
