Flame Retardant May Cause Health Issues

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A new independent study suggests that flame retardants often found in baby products and furniture may cause a variety of health issues such as anxiety, obesity, and developmental problems.

Researchers examined baby rats whose mothers ate small amounts of the chemical Firemaster 550, and found that the young rats gained more weight than others that were not exposed, according to the Chicago Tribune. They also found that the chemical caused female baby rats to be more anxious and triggered abnormal reproductive cycles and early puberty.

The Firemaster 500 was introduced in 2003 and was promoted as a chemical that would not cause health problems nor escape from treated products.

Scientists have found that the flame retardant’s ingredients were present not only in household dust but also in the air and in wildlife, according to the Tribune.

"Firemaster 550 was put on the market with almost no study," Linda Birnbaum, director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, told the Tribune. "These findings are very preliminary, but what they found strongly suggests we need to follow this up with more research."

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