MD Proposes Baby Bumper Pads Ban

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Maryland’s Department of Health is pushing a proposal to ban crib bumper pads statewide in 2013.

Last year a task force recommended that the state declare the baby bumper pads a hazard because they pose a potential strangulation or suffocation risk to infants, according to the Associated Press. The health department said although the ban would not include vertical bumpers that wrap around a crib rail or mesh liners, it does not recommend them.

The proposed ban includes a rule that would let bumper pads be sold if the Consumer Product Safety Commission finds that the benefits of certain pads exceed the risks, according to the AP.

The Chicago City Council banned sales of crib bumpers last year, but Maryland’s proposal would make it the first state to ban the popular fabric panels.

If your child has been harmed by an unsafe product, contact Sokolove Law for a free legal consultation and to find out if a product liability lawyer may be able to help you. For legal help, call (800) 581-6358.
