“Popcorn Lung” Trial Begins

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A Colorado resident who filed a lawsuit claiming that eating microwave popcorn caused his lung disease is finally getting his day in court.

Denver television station CBS 4 reports plaintiff Wayne Watson filed a lawsuit four years ago in 2008.  In his lawsuit filed against grocery chain King Soopers, Watson claims he has been diagnosed with “popcorn lung” due to eating microwave popcorn several times daily.

“Popcorn lung” is a serious illness that causes airways to the lungs to become clogged with tissue and can be life-threatening. The rare lung disease has been associated with diacetyl, a chemical used to impart buttery flavor to foods. Cases of the disease have occurred in microwave popcorn plants and flavoring production plants, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

CBS4 reports that Watson’s suit claims that King Soopers should have known about the danger of the butter-flavored popcorn. He claimed in his lawsuit that he had consumed three bags of microwave popcorn a day before his diagnosis.

King Soopers issued a statement saying the chemicals didn’t cause Watson’s health problems.

If you or someone you know has been harmed by an unsafe product, contact Sokolove Law today for free legal consultation and to find out if product liability lawyer may be able to help you.
