Riata/ST Silicone Leads Need Constant Monitoring

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Riata and Riata ST cardiac leads that had previously been recalled have a lower rate of survival than other available leads, according to a new study.

Research led by Edmund Keung from the University of California, San Francisco found that the Sprint Quattro Secure and Endotak Reliance G/SG leads had five-year survival rates of 99.2 and 99.5 percent, respectively. Comparably, the survival rate of Riata/ST leads was found to only be 97.5 percent.

The survival rate of the Riata/ST lead was found to be higher than the Sprint Fidelis lead, which was recalled in 2009 for lead fracture concern.

St. Jude Medical released a medical device warning last year that showed a 0.63 percent all-cause abrasion rate on Riata/ST high-voltage leads. The advisory led to a Class I recall by the Food and Drug Administration in December 2011, reports MedPage Today.

The University of California research team did an electrical survival analysis of the Riata/ST, Quattro, Fidelis, and Endotak leads using the data of VA National Cardiac Device Surveillance Center. A failure rate of 0.67 percent was reported for Riata/ST leads, which was only better than Fidelis at 2.08 percent.

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