Spray Tans May be Unsafe

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A new review of current scientific studies suggests that the active chemical used in spray tans may lead to DNA damages and genetic alterations.

A panel of experts reviewed 10 of the most recent scientific studies on dihydroxyacetone (DHA) and said they have concerns about the chemical now touted as a safe alternative to tanning beds, according to ABC News. The experts found that some of the studies -- none done on humans -- showed that DHA altered genes of multiple types of organisms and cells in test done after it was approved for use.

The chemical was originally approved for “external” use in 1977, when it was used widely in tanning lotions. However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration says on its website, “ The use of DHA in 'tanning' booths as an all-over spray has not been approved by the FDA, since safety data to support this use has not been submitted to the agency for review and evaluation."

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