Stents May not be More Effective than Medications

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A new study is suggesting that using stent medical devices to treat coronary artery disease may not be any more effective than using standard medications.

According to ABC News, the study that was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine analyzed eight clinical trials and 7,229 patients. Half of the patients received stents while the other half received medical therapy. The study showed that 8.9 percent of patients with stents died and 9.1 percent of patients on medications died. The results also showed that 8.9 percent of patients with stents had nonfatal heart attacks, compared to 8.1 percent of those who were on medications.

Despite the mounting evidence that stents are not an effective form of treatment for coronary heart disease, doctors continue to recommend the implant over other options.

If you or a loved one has been harmed by a stent, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact Sokolove Law for a free consultation and to learn about your options.


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