Study Finds Phones Still Contain Toxic Substances

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New phones may be less toxic than their older counterparts but they still contain potentially harmful substances -including carcinogens - that can make their way into the environment when the phones are tossed in the trash, according to a new study.

CBS News reports that all 36 of the popular mobile phones tested by the study were found to contain hazardous chemicals such as lead, bromine, chlorine, mercury, and cadmium. All of these substances pose a health hazard. The methyl mercury found in phones, for instance, can cause neurological impairment in children, infants, and fetuses, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The iPhone 2G was found to be the most toxic phone in the list. The Motorola Citrus was the least toxic model followed by LG Remark, iPhone 4S, Samsung Captivate, iPhone 5, and Samsung Evergreen, according to CBS News. The study was conducted by and

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