Study Suggests Atrazine Linked to Birth Defect

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Exposure to atrazine - a common herbicide used mostly on corn crops in the U.S. - may increase a woman’s risk of giving birth to a child with choanal atresia, which is a rare congenital disorder.

Fox News reports a new study found that women who lived in areas with the highest levels of atrazine use were 80 percent more likely to give birth to a child with choanal atresia or stenosis when compared to women who lived places with the lowest levels of atrazine use.

Choanal atresia causes tissue formation that blocks the back of the nasal passage affecting one or both sides of the nasal airway. Choanal stenosis is a milder form of the disorder.

Although the birth defect is very rare, affecting 1 in 7,000 infants, it can be potentially serious as it can make it difficult for a baby to breathe.

Atrazine is thought to alter endocrine activity and normal thyroid levels possibly by mimicking certain hormones of the body, which may interfere with normal biological processes, according to Fox News.

However, the researchers said more study of the chemical is needed.

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