Taco Bell Sued Over Salmonella Outbreak

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Taco Bell is being sued by a 22-year-old Oklahoma woman who claims that food at the Mexican fast food restaurant caused her to contractsalmonella.

According to theAssociated Press, Leah Smith claims that she became sick two days after eating at Taco Bell. She remained sick for the next two weeks.

Last month, the Centers for Disease Control reported that 68 people, including 16 from Oklahoma, became sick from salmonella after eating at what was only described to be a “Mexican-style fast-food restaurant chain.” The restaurant was later revealed to be a Taco Bell.

Taco Bell has been linked to two other salmonella outbreaks in the past six years.

If you or a loved one has been harmed by an unsafe food product, contact Sokolove Law for a free legal consultation and to find out if you have grounds to pursue a product liability lawsuit.


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