Vaginal Mesh Litigation Adds More Bellwether Trials

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A new set of bellwether trial dates have been set in the continuing litigation over vaginal mesh implants.

The latest batch of bellwether trials in the Bard Avaulta MDL are set to begin in June 2013, according to Lawyers USA Online (subscription required). The first set of bellwether trials are scheduled for February 2013. Both involve C.R. Bard’s Avaulta vaginal mesh product.

Meanwhile, the first jury verdict has already been handed down in an Avaulta vaginal mesh lawsuit. In that case, which was not a part of the MDL, the jury awarded a California woman and her husband $5.5 million for injuries that included complete incontinence, chronic pain, inability to have sex, and eight surgeries to remove the mesh.

There are four MDLs involving more than 1,000 cases against the major vaginal mesh makers, including C.R. Bard, American Medical Systems (AMS), Johnson & Johnson subsidiary Ethicon, and Boston Scientific, according to Lawyers USA Online.

Transvaginal mesh devices are implantable devices used to treat pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence in women.  The lawsuits in the MDLs allege that the products have design flaws that have been found to cause painful and dangerous side effects such as erosion, infection, bleeding, urinary problems, and painful sexual intercourse.

If you or a loved one has been harmed by an unsafe medical product such as vaginal mesh, contact Sokolove Law for a free legal consultation and to find out if a product liability lawyer may be able to help you.
