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Shareholders in Gexco Aktiebolag (publ), reg. No. 556224-1892, are hereby given notice to attend an Extraordinary General Meeting on Tuesday 29 June 2010, at. 14:00, at Jernkontoret, Great Hall, Kungstradgardsgatan 10 in Stockholm. Registration begins at. 13:30.

Proposals to Decisions

Proposals to decisions of the Extraordinary General Meeting, etc. will be kept available at the company and the company's website,, from 15 June 2010 and will be sent to those shareholders who so desire. Those documents will also be available at the meeting.

Item 7.

Amendment of the company name (§ 1)

The Board proposes that the General Meeting resolves to amend the company name. The proposed new company name is Sotkamo Silver Aktiebolag. The company is a public company (publ)

Location of Annual General Meeting (§ 10)

The Board proposes that the Meeting resolves to amend § 10 of the Articles of Association as regards place of Annual General Meeting. The Board propose that the Annual General Meeting shall be held in Stockholm.

Conditional amendment of the Articles of Association (§ 9)

The Board proposes that the Meeting resolves that § 9 of the Articles of Association to be amended with regard to calling procedure (conditional on future legislative change). Proposed amendment is: General meeting shall be published in the Post and Domestic Newspapers and on the company website. At the time of the summons shall be information about the summons be advertised in Dagens Nyheter

Stockholm 15th June 2010

Gexco AB (publ

For further information: Timo Lindborg, VD Gexco AB, tel. +358 40 508 3 507

About Gexco AB

Gexco AB (Gexco)'s business concept is to exploit mineral deposits in the Nordic countries with regard to human society and environment. Gexco owns through its wholly-owned subsidiaries a silver deposit in Taivaljärvi in Finland and a gold deposit in Hopeavuori in Tampere region in Finland. Gexco also have mineral deposits containing gold in Bindal and in the Narvik area and copper, lead, zinc, gold plus silver in Mo i Rana in Norway.

Gexco applies SveMin's & FinnMin's respective rules for reporting (public mining & exploration companies). Gexco has chosen to report mineral resources and ore reserves according to the internationally accepted JORC or NI 43-101-code. Gexco applies International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as approved by the European Union.

The shares of Gexco AB are quoted NGM Equity in Stockholm under ticker symbol GXCO,

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