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Sotkamo Silver has applied for 32 exploration-permits, claims, which cover 3 076 hectares in the neighbourhood of Taivaljärvi Silver Mine at Tipasjärvi Greenstone Belt and 24 exploration-permits, which cover for 1 308 hectares in the Tampere gold-district. The applications were submitted in June 2011 and are now processed according to the old mining-law in Mining Office of Finnish Safety and Chemical Agency (Tukes).

Tipasjärvi Greenstone Belt is the southernmost part of Kuhmo Greenstone Belt, where several gold- and nickel-deposits are targets for exploration. Taivaljärvi Silver Mine deposit is the most significant of known metal-deposit in the Kuhmo Greenstone Belt area. The about 30 kilometres long Tipasjärvi belt is, since one year ago, fully covered by reservations from Sotkamo Silver and 32 exploration-permits have now been applied for. These cover seven known gold- and zinc-lead-silver-targets associated with volcanic rocks. Two potential nickel-mineralized areas in ultramafic rocks have also been covered for. On top of these identified targets all potential areas, which show indications of sulphide-mineral potential, have also been included.

The Tampere schistbelt-area is known for exhausted and active gold-deposits. Sotkamo Silver has, so far had one application in the area. On the basis of extensive studies of existing geological, geophysical and geochemical material the Company has decided to apply for 24 exploration-claims to strengthen its presence in this gold-critical area.

Many of these targets have been investigated earlier by drilling. The most promising areas are Kalliojärvi with a drill intersection of 4,8 meters with 6,5 grams of gold per ton, Isovesi with 3,7 meters 5,3 grams of gold per ton, and Metsäkylä with a drill intersection of a 1 meter intersection with 27,6 grams of gold per ton. Targets are usually associated with quartz-veins and shear-zones in areas of rocks of volcanic origin, in a combination known to be gold-critical.

“These steps ensure the position of Sotkamo Silver in the Tipasjärvi Greenstone Belt-area and give us the additional possibility to expand our mineral resources. The planned opening of Taivaljärvi Silver Mine makes it possible to open new mines in the area, when deposits of smaller size can be mined at a nearby concentrating plant.

 Our extended presence in the Tampere gold-district can open new possibilities to expand our activities in this area. ” Comments Timo Lindborg, CEO


Stockholm, 16th November 2011

Timo Lindborg, CEO


Below: The map of Tampere area and application for exploration-permits

(For map, see attached file)


Below: The map of Tipasjärvi Greenstone Belt area and application for exploration-permits

(For map, see attached file)


About Sotkamo Silver AB:

Sotkamo Silver AB´s business concept is to exploit mineral deposits in the Nordic countries with regards to human society and environment. Sotkamo Silver owns, through its subsidiary mineral deposits, which contains silver and gold in Finland. The Company’s main development project is the

Taivaljärvi Silver Mine.

Sotkamo Silver applies SveMin’s & FinnMin’s respective rules of reporting for public mining & exploration companies. Sotkamo Silver has chosen to report mineral resources and ore reserves according to the internationally accepted JORC or NI 43-101-code. The company applies International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as approved by the European Union.

The shares are traded at the Burgundy market place and NGM Equity in Stockholm. The ticker symbol is SOSI.

ISIN-code for Sotkamo Silver shares is SE0001057910.


Read more about Sotkamo Silver on or

For further information: Timo Lindborg, CEO, tel. +358 40 508 3 507