T2 New issue
SpareBank 1 SR-Bank has today issued an 11NC6 NOK 500 million T2 bond. The coupon is set at 3 months Nibor + 1.52 per cent. Issue date is 9 May 2017 and the bond will be applied for listing on Oslo Børs. The loan limit under the loan agreement is NOK 1 000 million.
SpareBank 1 SR-Bank has bought back NOK 59 million in T2 NO0010664568/ SRBANK07 at Nibor + 0.80 per cent with settlement date 9 May 2017, equivalent to a price of 101,147. Outstanding volume other than own account in the market is now NOK 766 million.
Nordea Markets, SR-Bank Markets and Swedbank Norway acted as managers.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. Contact person at SpareBank 1 SR-Bank: Dag A. Hjelle, Head of Treasury, tel. + 47 909 50 088