Third quarter 2006

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• Sales during the first three quarters increased by 9% to SEK 22,738 (20,798) million. Profit after tax amounted to SEK 3,169 (3,202) million, entailing an increase in earnings per share to SEK 11.62 (10.90).

• Profit after financial items for the third quarter amounted to SEK 1,119 (933) million and, during the first three quarters, thus amounted to SEK 4,453 (4,473) million.

• Return on capital employed during the past twelve-month period was 34%, while return on equity was 28%.

• Deliveries of the core niche products, quenched steels and extra and ultra high-strength sheet, increased during the third quarter by 28% compared with last year and thus far this year have increased by 22%. The core niche products now account for 39% of sheet and plate volumes in the steel operations.

• Cash flow for the first three quarters improved to SEK 2,843 (2,506) million.

• Fall in production due to an accident at the oxygen plant in Oxelösund will negatively affect profits for the fourth quarter by approx. SEK 250 million.
