Stena Line welcome court ruling on State aid to Fehmarn Belt

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The European General Court has today announced their ruling on the case of State aid for the construction of Fehmarn Belt fixed link.

Stena Line filed a complaint to the European General Court because the State aid granted by the Kingdom of Denmark to Femern A/S for the construction of a fixed link between Denmark and Germany, did not comply with the State aid rules The court agreed with Stena Line and annulled the Commission’s approval granted by the Commission in respect of State aid to the Fixed Link.

“As a private company we are used to and expect competition on fair and equal terms. In this case State aid has been granted illegally. That’s why we welcome the decision from the court to annul the aid granted by the Commission for the construction of the Fehmarn Belt connection”, says Claes Berglund, Director Public Affairs and Sustainability, Stena.

“Before we are able to see the consequences and what actions we should take or expect the Commission to take, we need to analyse the ruling in detail”, Claes Berglund continues.

For more information please contact Jesper Waltersson, Group Media & Public Relations Manager +46 704 85 85 32.

Stena Line is one of Europe's leading ferry companies with 38 vessels and 21 routes in Northern Europe. Stena Line is an important part of the European logistics network and develops new intermodal freight solutions by combining transport by rail, road and sea. Stena Line also plays an important role for tourism in Europe with its extensive passenger operations. The company is family-owned, was founded in 1962 and is headquartered in Gothenburg. Stena Line is part of the Stena AB Group, which has about 15 000 employees and an annual turnover of around 36,5 billion SEK. For more information please visit
