Stora Enso initiates exclusive discussions with Arauco about joint ownership regarding Stora Enso Ar

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STORA ENSO OYJ Press Release 26 October 2006 at 12.58

Stora Enso initiates exclusive discussions with Arauco about 
joint ownership regarding Stora Enso Arapoti in Brazil

Stora Enso is initiating exclusive discussions with the aim of 
joint ownership regarding certain assets of Stora Enso Arapoti 
in Brazil with Arauco, a Chilean forest products company. Stora 
Enso acquired Stora Enso Arapoti from International Paper in 
September 2006 for an enterprise value of approximately USD 420 
million (EUR 333 million). The Arapoti assets were formerly 
owned by Inpacel - Indústria de Papel Arapoti Ltda. and Inpacel 
Agroflorestal Ltda., subsidiaries of International Paper.

Stora Enso Arapoti comprises a paper mill producing coated 
mechanical paper (205 000 tonnes annual capacity), a sawmill 
(150 000 m3 sawn timber annual capacity) and approximately 
50 000 hectares of land including approximately 30 000 hectares 
of productive plantations. The potential joint ownership with 
Arauco is focused primarily on the sawmill and forestland 
operations. The non-binding joint ownership discussions are 
expected to be finalised prior to the end of January 2007. 

“One of the core businesses of Stora Enso is to produce high 
quality publication paper, which was the main reason for 
acquiring Arapoti. Stora Enso does not see itself as a sawmill 
operator in Latin America. Stora Enso will also explore with 
Arauco the most efficient use of the forest resources,” says 
Nils Grafström, President of Stora Enso Latin America Division. 

Arauco is one of the largest forestry enterprises in Latin 
America in terms of surface area and yield of its plantations, 
production of market kraft wood pulp, and production of sawn 
timber and panels. It is organised into four strategic business 
areas: Forestry, Wood Pulp, Sawn Timber and Panels. Arauco has 
operations in Chile, Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay.

For further information, please contact:  
Hannu Ryöppönen, CFO, tel. +358 2046 21450 
Nils Grafström, President, Stora Enso Latin America Division, 
tel. +55 1181 759 283
Kari Vainio, EVP, Corporate Communications, tel. +44 7799 348 
Keith B Russell, SVP, Investor Relations, tel. +44 7775 
788 659 
Previous press releases regarding Stora Enso’s activities in 
Latin America are available at 

-	1 September 2006: Stora Enso finalises acquisition of 
Vinson Indústria de Papel Arapoti Ltda. and Vinson 
Empreendimentos Agricolas Ltda. in Brazil 
-	22 August 2006: Stora Enso becomes the sole producer of 
coated mechanical paper in Latin America: The Group 
acquires assets from International Paper in Brazil 
-	26 September 2005: Stora Enso is purchasing land in Brazil 
and Uruguay
-	28 September 2005: Stora Enso is exploring the possibility 
of building a new fibre line at Veracel
-	15 August 2005: Stora Enso’s Oulu Mill receives first 
shipment of Veracel pulp
-     8 May 2003: Stora Enso and Aracruz announce decision to 
build Veracel pulp mill


p.p.	Jussi Siitonen 		Jukka Marttila
