Storebrand Bank ASA: Successful issuance of Tier 2 bond

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Reference is made to the stock exchange notice dated 8 February 2017 regarding appointment of arranger and potential issuance of a new Tier 2 bond.

Storebrand Bank ASA has as of 9 February 2017 issued a Tier 2 bond of NOK 150 million with a floating rate coupon equal to 3 months Nibor + 1.75 percentage points. Settlement date will be 22 February 2017. The bond has a tenor of 10 years, with a first time option for the issuer to call the loan after 5 years, 22 February 2022. The bond issue was oversubscribed.

The bond issue will now be applied for listing on Oslo Børs. The FSA (the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway) and the general meeting of Storebrand Bank ASA have both approved both issues. Danske Bank Markets acted as sole arranger for the transaction.

Contact at Storebrand Bank ASA:

Finance Director Sigbjørn Birkeland, Storebrand ASA: +47 934 80 983
