Storebrand Bank ASA is contemplating issuing a subordinated bond (Tier 2 capital)
Storebrand Bank ASA is contemplating issuing a subordinated bond (Tier 2 capital) of up to NOK 150 million with a fixed maturity, floating rate and redemption rights for the issuer.
Proceeds from the bond issue will be used to refinance the outstanding NOK 150 million subordinated bond (Tier 2 capital) with call date 12th April 2017 and final maturity 12th April 2022
(NO 0010641657).
Storebrand Bank ASA has engaged Danske Bank Markets as sole arranger of the contemplated transaction.
Contact at Danske Bank Markets:
Kristian Andersen, tlf 22 86 13 06
Contact person at Storebrand:
Finance Director Sigbjørn Birkeland, Storebrand ASA: +47 934 80 983