About Us

Storykit is the complete AI video creation tool transforming your content into high-performing video. Here’s the thing. The way video is consumed has changed. We devour more volume. We demand more value. Every time we turn to social, we expect video to be part of that experience. But the way video is created? That hasn’t changed. Most still use the old way. Outsourcing projects to agencies. Relying on specialist skills and even more specialist kit. Creating bottle necks left right and centre. Some muddle through with the makeshift way, where free apps, cheap software and a half-decent phone might get video made, but at a quality that damages your brand and not at the quantity you need. So we asked ourselves. What if there was a different way? What if anyone who wanted to could create video? What if almost anything could be transformed into video? And what if you could do it all, without ever losing control of quality, consistency and your brand? We made that different way. And the rest, as they say, is Storykit.