The Nomination Committee proposal to Swedbank AGM 2019

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The Nomination Committee of Swedbank proposes re-election of the present Board members Lars Idermark, Ulrika Francke, Siv Svensson, Bodil Eriksson, Peter Norman, Mats Granryd, Bo Johansson, Magnus Uggla and Anna Mossberg, i.e. all current members are proposed for re-election. The proposal entails a decrease of the number of Board members elected by the Annual General Meeting from ten to nine. Lars Idermark is proposed as Chair of the Board of Directors.

At the AGM 2018, it was decided to increase the number of Board members from nine to ten. In January 2019, one Board member announced that, due to another assignment, the member was prevented from continuing the assignment in Swedbank’s Board of Directors. The Nomination Committee assesses that the remaining members together have required experience and expertise to lead Swedbank into the future.

Remuneration of the Board of Directors and Auditors.
The Nomination Committee proposes to raise the remuneration to the Board of Directors calculated on an annual basis as follows, corresponding to an average raise of 5 percent (calculated on proposed number of members): SEK 2,630,000 (presently 2,540,000) to the Chair of the Board of Directors; SEK 885,000 (850,000) to the Deputy Chair of the Board of Directors; SEK 605,000 (570,000) to each of the ordinary members of the Board of Directors; SEK 395,000 (360,000) to the Chair of the Board’s Audit Committee; SEK 240,000 (232,500) to each of the other members of the Board’s Audit Committee; SEK 430,000 (410,000) to the Chair of the Board’s Risk and Capital Committee; SEK 250,000 (230,000) to each of the other members of the Board’s Risk and Capital Committee; SEK 105,000 (102,500) to the Chair of the Board´s Remuneration Committee; SEK 105,000 (102,500) to each of the other members of the Board’s Remuneration Committee.

The Nomination Committee proposes that the external auditor’s fee, shall be payable by approved account.

In accordance with the recommendation and preference of the Board´s Audit Committee, the Nomination Committee proposes that PwC Sverige AB is elected as external auditor for a period of four years, until the end of the AGM 2023.

The Nomination Committee proposes the lawyer (Sw. advokat) Wilhelm Lüning as Chair of the 2019 AGM.

The Nomination Committee comprises of the following members: Lennart Haglund, Chair, appointed by Sparbankernas Ägareförening, Jens Henriksson, appointed by the owner-group Folksam, Ramsay Brufer, appointed by Alecta, Johan Sidenmark, appointed by AMF, Peter Karlström appointed by the owner-group Sparbanksstiftelserna and Lars Idermark, Chair of the Board of Directors of Swedbank AB (publ).

The entire proposal of the Nomination Committee will be included in the AGM notice and also be available on Swedbank’s website.

Swedbank AB’s AGM will take place on the 28 March 2019 at Oscarsteatern, Kungsgatan 63, in Stockholm.

For further information, please contact:
Lennart Haglund, Chair of the Nomination Committee, telephone: +46 70 557 51 29
Gabriel Francke Rodau, Head of Communication, Swedbank, telephone: +46 70 144 89 66

Swedbank encourages a sound and sustainable financial situation for the many households and businesses. As a leading bank in the home markets of Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Swedbank offers a wide range of financial services and products. Swedbank has over 7 million retail customers and around 600 000 corporate customers and organisations with 186 branches in Sweden and 125 branches in the Baltic countries. The group is also present in other Nordic countries, the US and China. As of 31 December, 2018 the group had total assets of SEK 2 246 billion.  Read more at





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