Announcement from SyntheticMR's extra general meeting

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The extra general meeting of SyntheticMR AB (publ) ("SyntheticMR" or the "Company") was held today on 29 March 2022 and the following resolutions were passed by the shareholders.

Approval of the board's resolution of a directed share issue

The extra general meeting unanimously resolved, in accordance with the board's proposal, to approve the board's resolution of a share issue of a maximum of 1,250,000 shares with deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights at a subscription price of SEK 48 per share.

The reason for deviating from the shareholders' pre-emptive rights is to enable the Company to raise capital quickly and efficiently, which in turn provides flexibility for potential investment possibilities in the short term, contributes to reduced exposure to price fluctuations on the capital market as well as provides the opportunity to benefit from the current interest in the Company's share among potential institutional investors. Additional reasons for the deviation is that it is deemed positive with an increased shareholding in the Company among institutional investors. An overall assessment and careful consideration has been made by the board of directors, whereby a new share issue with deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights is a more justified alternative for the Company's shareholders than a rights issue and that it is objectively in the best interest of both the Company and its shareholders.

The subscription price was determined through an accelerated book building procedure and it is therefore the Board's assessment that the subscription price correctly reflects current market conditions and demand.

Through the share issue, the share capital is increased by SEK 27,750.0000 from SEK 896,897.3160 to SEK 924,647.3160. The number of shares and votes are increased by 1,250,000 from 40,400,780 to 41,650,780 shares and votes. For existing shareholders, the dilution amounts to a total of approximately 3 percent of the number of shares and votes in the Company based on the number of shares and votes following completion of the share issue.

For further details regarding the resolutions set out above please refer to the notice and the complete proposals available at the Company's website,

For further information, please contact:

Ulrik Harrysson, CEO

+46 70 529 29 87

Johanna Norén, CFO och Head of Investor Relations

+46 70 619 21 00

About SyntheticMR

SyntheticMR AB develops and markets innovative software solutions for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). SyntheticMR AB has developed SyMRI®, delivering multiple, adjustable contrast images and quantitative data from a single 6-minute scan. The SyMRI product is available in different packages. SyMRI NEURO delivers multiple contrast images, tissue segmentations and quantitative data on the brain. SyMRI MSK provides multiple contrast images and quantitative data for MSK anatomies. SyMRI NEURO is CE-marked and FDA 510(k) cleared and SyMRI MSK is CE-marked. SyMRI is a registered trademark in Europe and the USA. SyntheticMR is listed on the Spotlight Stock Market in Stockholm, Sweden. For more information, visit


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