A human right to land: Globalizations leads the way with an alternative approach to land grabbing

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Are the current international responses to the global land grab failing to address human rights violations and abuses?

A timely new article, published in Globalizations, argues that the right to land should be established as a human right under international law, in order to combat the growing issue of land grabbing and its impact on rural communities.

Authors Künnemann & Monsalve Suárez offer a pioneering approach, favouring an international legal basis for a human right to land over the more widely promoted “Land Transparency Initiative”. They highlight this as a necessary and progressive development in international human rights, acting as an invaluable tool for global social justice and, in particular, curbing the global land grab.

The article makes essential reading for those in the fields of development, investment and food security:

International Human Rights and Governing Land Grabbing: A View from Global Civil Society
Rolf Künnemann & Sofía Monsalve Suárez

Find out more about the issue of land grabbing with the Globalizations Special Issue:
Land Grabbing and Global Governance


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Jenny Morris, Marketing Executive, Routledge Politics


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