Achieving Equity in Higher Education: Developing student values in the new generation

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In this retrospective account of their scholarly work over the past 45 years, Achieving Equity in Higher Education: The Unfinished Agenda, Alexander and Helen Astin show how the struggle to achieve greater equity in American higher education is intimately connected to issues of character development, leadership, civic responsibility, and spirituality.  The authors advocate that colleges and universities focus greater attention on developing student values and other personal qualities that will produce a new generation of citizens who are committed to creating a more just and equitable society.

“When Alexander and Helen Astin speak on higher education, people listen.  In previous studies in the Journal of Higher Education and the Chronicle of Higher Education,  Alexander Astin was noted as the most frequently cited author in the field of higher education. This article is especially relevant today not only because it is a critical review of past research on moral education viewed through the lens and the work of the authors, but because it is also a critique of the current status of higher education and an argument for the need to focus more intentionally on equity and fairness. The stakes are high because the fate of our nation depends upon whether we succeed in cultivating worthy moral and civic leaders.”
---Jon Dalton and Pam Crosby, editors, Journal of College and Character

The article, Achieving Equity in Higher Education: The Unfinished Agenda is published in the new issue of Journal of College and Character, a professional journal that examines how colleges and universities impact the moral and civic character development of students. The journal publishes scholarly articles and applied research on issues concerning ethics, values, character development, and spiritual growth in the higher education setting.

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