AKP’s bid for political hegemony results in reversal of law reforms in Turkey

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An article, from South European Society and Politics, is spearheading the debate into the reversal of rule of law reforms in Turkey, forming part of an important new special issue entitled Is Turkey De-Europeanising? Encounters with Europe in a Candidate Country.

Turkish academic Beken Saatçioğlu, based at the Department of Political Science and International Relations, MEF University, Istanbul, demonstrates the depth and intensity of de-Europeanisation in the field of judicial independence and the rule of law in Turkey. Charting the changes, she shows how the governing AKP’s increasingly Eurosceptic rhetoric has fed into this process.

Appearing when the international refugee crisis has brought Turkey’s EU relations and the state of its domestic democracy to the centre of public debate, the article challenges established views linking Europeanisation to the credibility of EU conditionality. Instead the author offers an alternative explanation, centring on the governing AKP’s post-2010 bid for domestic political hegemony.

Both an important addition to the growing Europeanisation literature and a crucial reading list on Turkish affairs, SESP’s new special issue is not to be missed. Topics covered range from democratisation, civil society and media freedom to imperative discussions on migration policy and the Kurdish conflict. Currently on free access, this special issue is a must read for anyone interested in the future of Turkish-EU relations.

Full article details:

De-Europeanisation in Turkey: The Case of the Rule of Law
Beken Saatçioğlu
South European Society and Politics

Part of the Special Issue Is Turkey De-Europeanising? Encounters with Europe in a Candidate Country’

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Email : Melissa.phillips@tandf.co.uk


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