Celebrating 10 Years of Journal of Children and Media

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2016 marks the 10-year anniversary of Journal of Children and Media (JOCAM). During the course of the last decade, the journal has provided a space for discussion by scholars and professionals from around the world and across theoretical and empirical traditions who are engaged in the study of media in the lives of children and adolescents.

“Ten years and hundreds of articles and commentaries later, we know more about what we need to know more about—the known unknown. We have witnessed dramatic changes in technologies, their accessibility, and their use by young people today. We race to catch up with the growing dominance of digital and mobile media in certain parts of the world, and the opportunities and risks they bring with them. We are developing an awareness of cultural differences and the importance of the context of the lived experiences of children. Our field is constantly seeking and developing new questions, new partnerships, new ways of inquiry, and new theories. Yet we know that our voice is not heard strongly enough among other disciplines concerned with children, and that we must be more proactive in creating bridges with other stakeholders in order to make our work valuable and accessible beyond the ivory tower.” Dafna Lemish, Amy Jordan & Vicky Rideout

To commemorate the 10-year anniversary of JOCAM Amy Jordan and Dafna Lemish, co-Editors of Journal of Children and Media have curated a very special collection of essays that look toward the future and spotlight the challenges and opportunities facing children and media researchers when looking to the future of the field.

The special issue is extended into two: This first one, devoted to theoretical approaches, methodological innovations, and commentaries focusing on global issues, is entitled JOCAM NEXT. The second collection, which will appear in Volume 10 issue 2, is titled JOCAM BRIDGES, and is devoted to discussion of bridge building with other disciplines and stakeholders.

Join us in sending hearty congratulations to everyone who has contributed to Journal of Children and Media over the years, here’s to the next 10 volumes.

Access the first Special Issue, JOCAM NEXT, for free until the 29th February 2016.


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* Access the issue online: www.tandfonline.com/toc/rchm20/10/1

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Marita Eleftheriadou, Marketing Executive, Arts & Humanities Journals
email: marita.eleftheriadou@tandf.co.uk

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