Environmental Education in a Neoliberal Climate

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Warner School Professor David Hursh and alumnus Joseph Henderson ’14W (PhD), together with David Greenwood, Canada research chair in environmental education at Lakehead University, have served as guest editors of the current issue of Environmental Education Research. Leaders in the field of environmental and sustainability education, the guest editors focused the special issue on environmental education in a neoliberal climate.

“Environmental education is political,” said Hursh. “People do not fully comprehend the meaning of neoliberalism, but often overuse it to blame or explain current environmental conditions and issues. We need to talk about the nature of environmental education within the context of the dominant economic and political system of neoliberalism.”

The 13 articles in the new special issue of Environmental Education Research challenge readers to consider the many ways that environmental education has been shaped by and interacts with the logic of neoliberalism.

Hursh focuses his research and writing on educational policy, neoliberalism, and teaching environmental sustainability and social studies, as well as public dimensions of environmental education, with a particular emphasis on how it applies to the energy system and climate change dynamics. In his most recent writing, Hursh describes how neoliberalism undermines education and democracy. His next book, The End of Public Schools: The Corporate Reform Agenda to Privatize Education, is scheduled to release summer 2015 by Routledge.

Environmental Education Research (EER) is a top-tier international journal that publishes papers and reports on all aspects of environmental education. Editor-in-chief Alan Reid is an associate professor of education at Monash University in Australia. The mission of the journal, published by Taylor & Francis, is to help advance the understanding of environmental and sustainability education. Read the special issue of EER here.


When referencing the article: Please include Journal title: Environmental Education Research Volume 21 (3) Special Issue: Environmental Education in a Neoliberal Climate, Co-Edited by Prof David Hursh, University of Rochester, UK

And Prof David Greenwood, Lakehead University,Canada: published by Taylor & Francis and the following statement:

Read the special issue online: http://explore.tandfonline.com/content/ed/ceer-special-issue

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For more information please contact:

Theresa Danylak,
Warner School of Education, University of Rochester

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