Is there a ‘Magic Formula’ to making an article citable?

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With the latest journal Impact factors being released we are taking a closer look at an article published on 27 June 2013 from Current Issues in Tourism, with free access until 31 December 2013: ‘What makes an article citable?
Hee ‘Andy’ Lee, Rob Law & Adele Ladkin

Using publications as an indicator of the performance or achievement of individual researchers increases the pressure to ensure articles are written to gain citations. Therefore the study in this article is aimed to find a ‘magic formula’ that researchers could use when writing their articles.

The study included used Publish or Perish software to investigate 300 most cited publications in tourism and hospitality journals, and using Scree plot-type graphs to examine the relationship between citation counts and the structural aspects of articles.

Does the number of words in a title, number of authors, keywords, tables and figures, references, word counts and level of collaboration make a difference to the articles being cited? These questions are answered in the article and the conclusion is made that although short article titles help, ‘quality’ is the key attribute over structural elements – rigorous research is what counts!


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