Marine Geodesy Publishes New Application Studies of OSTM/Jason-2 Program

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The Ocean Surface Topography Mission (OSTM)/Jason-2 is an international program that continues the precise altimetry data record of ocean circulation and global sea level change into the next decade. The mission represents the successful transition from the TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason-1 research missions to a fully operational altimetry mission. OSTM has brought together a four-partner group of agencies: NASA and CNES research agencies, plus the EUMETSAT and NOAA operational agencies.

The calibration/validation aspects of OSTM/Jason-2 were described in two previous issues of Marine Geodesy. This third supplement issue “OSTM/Jason-2 Applications—Part 3” expands on the previous issues with a variety of new application studies such as interannual ocean variability, surface currents, tide modeling, and climate studies. Professor George Born of the University of Colorado, Boulder, and Professor Subrahmanyam Bulusu of the University of South Carolina served as guest editors of the supplement issue. For free online access to the supplement issue, visit:

The contributions of Jason-2 to the altimetry constellation have become more important than ever, as the Jason-3 and Jason CS (Jason Continuity of Service) missions are being developed to ensure the crucial continuity of observational services for operational applications as well as climate assessment.

Stephanie Kowalski, Marketing Associate

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