Michael Mansfield QC to Launch New Routledge Law Textbook

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Ursula Smartt and Routledge Law are pleased to invite you to the St Stephen’s Tavern Pub, opposite the House of Commons, where renowned barrister Michael Mansfield QC will be launching the 2nd edition of Media and Entertainment Law.

Date: Wednesday 26th March 2014 Time: 5:00-8:00pm Venue: St Stephen's Tavern Pub, 10 Bridge Street, Westminster, London, SW1A 2JR RSVP: Alix Fryer at Alexandra.fryer@tandf.co.uk

Media and Entertainment Law provides full coverage of the Defamation Act 2013; privacy and superinjunctions; the Leveson Inquiry and press regulation; and changes in music copyright laws. Click here to find out more.

Guests are invited to attend the launch, with key note speeches by Michael Mansfield and Ursula Smartt, followed by a drinks reception.

Praise for Ursula Smartt’ Media and Entertainment Law:

The importance of this book should not be underestimated. Its timing alone is impeccable. With the medium of the internet and social media, we have all become world citizens, with responsibilities for what we communicate. A major contribution to that knowledge is provided by the data and discussion in the chapters of this book. Here is a work which all of us, not just the lawyers, would do well to digest in order to assess and analyze the challenges we face at every stage of everyday life. This book is not some esoteric or arcane legal backwater, but the frontline or interface of our social relationships. It charts and pin points with alarming accuracy the shape of current dilemmas”
Michael Mansfield QC, Mansfield Chambers UK

This book is a leader in the media law market place, focussing, inter alia, on superinjunctions and the Defamation Act 2013, explaining the single publication rule well. It highlights privacy rights of children, independent of their parents. The book also focuses on Scots law and useful cases north of the border.”
Mark Stephens CBE, Media Lawyer

My colleagues in the entertainment industry are very excited by this book and find it a handy reference guide on recent copyright legislation.”
Lorna Aizlewood, Music and Intellectual Property Lawyer

Alexandra Fryer
Routledge Law

+44 (20) 701 76746


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This book is not some esoteric or arcane legal backwater, but the frontline or interface of our social relationships. It charts and pin points with alarming accuracy the shape of current dilemmas
Michael Mansfield QC.