Remembering World War I

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100 years after its outbreak, World War I continues to influence global politics, culture, and national identity. As one of the defining events of the 20th century, the Great War, in many ways, shaped the world in which we live today.

According to John Morrow, author of The Great War: An Imperial History,  “[World War I] was the seminal event of the early twentieth century world, and its repercussions…remain significant even today, for example, in the Middle East, whose modern formation occurred during and after the war.  If you do not understand World War I, you will not comprehend global and American history in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.”

World War I’s centennial, beginning this year, offers a chance to reflect on how the war continues to resonate in the modern world.

Ian Beckett, author of The Great War: 1914-1918, says, “The centenary gives us a unique opportunity to revisit the actuality of the war in all its aspects and to impart real understanding of the significance of a war that had to be fought and won.

In commemoration of the centennial, Routledge presents a research and learning collection on the war. Incorporating both recent and classic publications, and spanning subjects from social and cultural history, to strategy, to aftermath and memory, this collection provides comprehensive scholarship for everyone interested in learning more about the events and impact of this global war. To explore the online catalog, visit

For more information on this collection, please contact Samantha Skurdahl. 

Samantha Skurdahl
Marketing Assistant | Routledge | Taylor & Francis Group
+1 (917) 351-7177

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