Robotics, cosmetic surgery, and digital lives: Identity troubles in a turbulent world

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Routledge is delighted to introduce an exciting new book exploring identity in the modern age.

How might we think about identities today? How can personal identity be adequately categorized? Is this not the error of social stereotyping? Identities, after all, are plural, open-ended, creative and transgressive.

In this fascinating book, Anthony Elliott explores the unfathomable complexity of identities in the twenty-first century, ranging from intimacy, sexuality and gender to ethnicity, race and superdiversity. He also investigates how global transformations – the new electronic economy, digital worlds, biotechnologies and artificial intelligence – transform the very meaning of identity. 

The book examines how men and women all over the world undertake a series of revisions, reinventions, and recalibrations in order to deal with the business of everyday living. Fuelled by cultural anxieties, the process of self-making is a continuous cycle essential to confronting tomorrow’s challenges. 

Timely and provocative, Identity Troubles is poised to become a classic text and is essential reading for anyone interested in culture, society, and identity. 

About the Author
Anthony Elliott is Director of the Hawke Research Institute and Executive Director of the Hawke EU Centre for Mobilities, Migrations and Cultural Transformations, where he is Research Professor of Sociology at the University of South Australia.


‘Elliott writes in such an accessible and interesting way that readers will find themselves learning much about the complexity of contemporary issues, problems and practices of identities.’ – Deborah Lupton, Centenary Research Professor News & Media Research, University of Canberra, Australia

‘A really exciting and comprehensive dissection of many different identity troubles in an accelerating, trans-human world on the move - a world of invention, celebrity and makeover.’ – Professor John Urry, Distinguished Prof of Sociology and Co-Director Institute for Social Futures, Lancaster University, UK

To request a review copy or an interview with the author, please contact us using the information below.

Christopher Hardin
Senior Marketing Manager
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
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