Routledge Publishes Tim Ingold’s The Life of Lines

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Following his groundbreaking 2007 book, Lines, Tim Ingold further develops his unique approach to anthropology in The Life of Lines.

A prominent anthropologist at the University of Aberdeen, Ingold is known for his exploration of the relations between human beings and the environments they inhabit. With this new book, Ingold studies the life of lines in a series of original meditations on life, ground, weather, imagination, and what it means to be human. 

While anchored in anthropology, The Life of Lines will delight and intrigue readers interested in a wide range of disciplines, including philosophy, geography, sociology, art, and architecture. 

Augustin Fuentes, professor of Anthropology at Notre Dame, says, “In The Life of Lines Ingold develops a philosophical and ecological anthropology that is at once expansive, integrative, and inclusive. Taking us on a journey through movement, knots, weather, atmosphere and surfaces, he guides us to a critical conclusion: to human is a verb.” 

This compelling volume brings our thinking about the material world refreshingly back to life.

About the author

Tim Ingold is Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Aberdeen, UK. His books for Routledge include Lines: A Brief History (2007), The Perception of the Environment (reissued 2011), Being Alive (2011) and Making: Anthropology, Archaeology, Art and Architecture (2013).

For more information, please visit or contact Samantha Skurdahl. 

Samantha Skurdahl

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