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PHILADELPHIA, PA – Two recent articles in Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development Volume 55, Issue 3 provide information on environmental issues that can be used towards sustainable ecosystems. You can access these articles for free until 31st July 2013.

“Commentary: Building on Rio+20 to Spur Action for Sustainable Development” explains many of the initiatives that came out of the Rio+20 conference. The author states that “the sum total of human activity is compromising the future of the planet,” and he delves briefly into a list of major environmental issues discussed at Rio+20 as well as the social and political barriers to the kind of change that will make a difference to the planet. The article concludes with a summary of the major environmental summits of the 20th century and their significant outcomes.

“Seagrass Meadows, Ecosystem Services, and Sustainability,” highlights the importance of seagrass and its roles in various ecosystems. The necessity of seagrass is not very well-known outside the scientific community; nevertheless, it is an intricate element in the formation of animal habitats, support of environmental processes, and food production. In fact, “seagrass meadows rank among the most productive ecosystems on Earth.” During the last century, about 29% of these meadows have disappeared, but local sustainability and fisheries management may be the key to sustainability for this integral part of our ecosystem.


Published 6 times per year, and now on its 55thyear of publication, Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development analyzes the problems, places, and people where environment and development come together, illuminating concerns from the local to the global.

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